Tag Archives: brian tracy


Hello! I’m Mahmood Qamer and today my blog is about “How to regain your lost motivation so that you can continue to achieve your goals whatever the circumstances around you?” 

What is Motivation?

First of all we need to understand the term “motivation” because it is the basic thing in regaining motivation when you feel you have lost your motivation.  Motivation mean that all those indicators that’s motivates you to set a target, aim or goal in your life.  It may be a Monumental milestone in your life or a small project at work.  We all set priorities for our goals so that we keep working toward our goal.

What are Goals and how can we achieve our Goals?

According to Brian Tracy (a Canadian-American motivational public speaker and self-development author. He is the author of over seventy books that have been translated into dozens of languages. His popular books are Earn What You’re Really Worth, Eat That Frog! and The Psychology of Achievement). He define goals should be SMART.  This mean specific measurable achievable realistic and time-bound targets.   These SMART kind of goals that help you to achieve whatever you want to accomplish in our life. 

But even if we have the perfect plan in place to achieve our goals sometimes along the way we can lose them, we lose our motivation during our journey of reaching toward these goals.  This is one of the reason I am writing and sharing few tips with you to help you regain your lost motivation and stay productive.  I have learned these tips from the Lectures of Brian Tracy.

In order to regain your lost motivation and continue to be motivated toward your goal, is five step process that can really help you to solve your problem during working toward your goals.

Step # 1: Break Your Goals Down Into Bite-sized pieces.

How can breaking your goal down into bite-sized pieces help you to achieve your target or complete your task?  Remind yourself of the Big Picture of your Goal.  Remember most of the motivational speakers, consultant and other experts most commonly said that break your goals down into bite-sized pieces.   So take the overall goal and make a list of all the smaller parts of the goal and then just eat one bite at a time is most common and most productive method to achieve any big goal.

Step # 2:   What you think and how you feel?

Your thinking and feeling have a direct impact over your motivation, it can activate your motivation or deactivate your motivation as well. If you are thinking positively toward your goal, and focusing on the big pictures, then you can easily goes through the struggling time with lot of motivation, while on the other hand if you are thinking negatively and feeling bad.  This will have a direct impact toward your goal and you may lose motivation and feel less energetic toward your goal.

So take small steps toward your goal so that you can continue to have a strong motivation level and feel good about your target, task or goal. This will also keep you moving forward day-by-day.

Step # 3:  Intrinsic motivators

Another important tip to regain your lost motivation; look for intrinsic motivators.  This mean that all those things within the goal that motivates you automatically rather than just a deadline from your boss.  Find a personal reason why you want to achieve this goal.  Sometimes a personal reason is to outperform somebody in the office or to do something that makes you feel better, more respected and more healthful, than anyone else that’s a real motivator.

Step #4: Don’t Over-think about Your Goal

One of the reason most of the people lost motivation while working toward their goals is that they start over thinking about their goal, which ultimately result’s into lost of motivation and they feel hard to regain it back.  The basic reason when you feel and think a task is too large or too difficult for you.   This effect create a tendency which led us to avoid the task or lose motivation altogether.  Just follow the first step i-e to take small steps or simply take one step at a time and see where it leads you. Keep your eyes on the target as well as on the destination. 

Brian Tracy said that one of the best things he ever learned was, the starting point of motivation is motive. It means that what motivates us to have a target or aim at.  Find a key motivator that make you feel motivated and keep your in moving forward step by step and with small tiny steps you will get closer and closer towards your goal.

Brian Tracy share that most commonly asked question from most of the people to him “How do you get pumped up?” It is very simple just take one step at a time.  Just be clear about your long-term goal as well as clear about the steps that can take you toward your destination and take your first step.  In life all success begin by taking the first step. 

Your first step will guide you toward your second step and after that second step will move you to your third step and then third step will push you forward toward your fourth step and so on.  With all these small steps you actually start to build up momentum and this will result you to start moving faster and faster.  As you make progress toward your goal, your brain will releases endorphins.  Endorphins make you feel positive. They make you feel creative.  They make you feel happy.  They actually release ideas.  With all these positive changes, you will find yourself moving faster and faster towards your goal and you will find your goal moving faster and faster toward you.

Step #5:  Activate the Law of Attraction

By moving in forward motion with one step at a time, you will start achieving and accomplishing your targets, with all these achievements and accomplishment you can easily activate the law of attraction.  You will begin to attract into your life people, ideas and circumstance that help you to achieve your goals even faster than before.


I would like to hear from you, what your opinion about these five steps.. My question today is simply this

Have you been feeling a bit overwhelmed and demotivated and if so what steps can you take to get pumped up and regain your enthusiasm for achieving your most important goal?

Leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to follow up with you. Thanks for reading and please subscribe to my blog.

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