Tag Archives: life


The Compound Effect

Have you ever been bitten by an elephant? How about a mosquito? It’s the little things in life that will bite you. For most of us, it’s the frequent, small and seemingly inconsequential choices that are of grave concern.

Following are some of the most common mistakes that most of us do in our daily life; consciously or unconsciously.

Mistake # 1: Social Media

If you are using Social Medias for excessive time. Believe me, it’s not useful at all. Stalking people profile(especially of your crush), messaging someone who is least bothered about you. Yes, it definitely takes a lot of courage to realize that it’s unnecessary. I did realize it so I have quitted Social Medias like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest for 8 months. Believe me, the result is really good. Quora can be good as I can learn over here.

Mistake # 2: Fairy Tales

Believing that Fairy Tales exists! No, my dear beautiful faces matter. Everyone is attracted to a beautiful girl or a handsome guy. I guess loving someone ugly exists only 0.99% in this only world. Now, I am sure you all guys are going to debate with me. But it’s the sad reality of life. So grow up and focus on yourself instead of waiting for a Fairy Tale to take place in your life. It only exists in movies and stories.

Mistake # 3: Engage with your Phone

To wake up early in the morning and instead of checking out any other things. Before brushing your teeth and even washing your face. Engaging in your Phone.

Mistake # 4: Irritating Others

If you have never danced in rain, went on trekking, done rock climbing, told your parent how much you value them, sang songs, dreamed to be a successful person, love yourself, irritate your cousin, siblings and loved ones. Because if you have not done this then you’re naturally unattractive. I have a long list so I just couldn’t include all of them.

Mistake # 5: Feeling Stress

You feel constantly irritated, joys surround you but not longer than a few minutes. Then, you obviously need to check out what’s wrong with you.

Mistake # 6: Waiting for Someone to Message You.

Waiting for someone to message you. Waiting for someone to care about you. Ask whether you’re fine or not. Believe me, only your family and yourself will really care about you.

Mistake # 7: Believing that a person will love you and Only YOU Forever

If you have ever believed that a person will love you and only you forever. They will be with you. Care about you. No, not at all! Everyone in life is replaceable. People will get down with another person if they’re more beautiful than you. Mark my words it so happens, though it’s sad, it’s also true at the same time.

Mistake # 8: Wondering the One who died returns back to your life.

If you have ever wondered the one who died returns back to your life. Believe me, I wasted my three years believing that. Yes, I was just fourteen back then, so as a child I believed it. The day you realize it, it hurts much more. But unfortunately, it will never become a reality. So, don’t waste your time in this.

Mistake # 9: Settling for Less

If you are settling for less. Please don’t do that push yourself up. I believe it. I started working in an IT company just after 1 month of my SEE examination(Grade 10). Obviously it’s hard. I can hardly manage 3 to 4 hours for my studies. But, I want to get independent. If I can help my family in a small way then why not? I will do that.

Mistake # 10: Seeking the Attention of Some Random Guys or Girls

If you’re seeking the attention of some random guys or girls. Please don’t do that. It will take you nowhere. It’s such a wastage of time.

Mistake # 11: Stuck with your Past.

Don’t get stuck with your past. It is a complete wastage of time. Pick yourself up. Believe that you deserve someone better. With time you will grow and glow. Keep your Chin up and never settle for the same mistake again.

Mistake # 12: Following the Crowd.

If you are following the crowd. You are mistaken, don’t ever do that. What if you fall? Get up again. Do something different. If things don’t work out and life gets tougher. Be more habitual to get more tuff. But Don’t give up! Nah! It shouldn’t be even one of your option.

Mistake # 13: Loved the Scars of Your Body

If you have never loved the scars of your body. What if you are ugly, what if you are short, what if you don’t get proposals from your crush, what if you are a Sunflower in the world of Rose. There isn’t anything bad in that. Everyone cannot be pretty. After all, you will definitely find someone one day who will love and appreciate all of our scars. So, don’t ever think that you’re ugly. You’re beautiful or handsome. No matter what you will always be special to those who loves and values you.

Mistake # 14: Five People Smile

If you never had fun and made at least Five People Smile a day. Do that, the world needs more of that. Everyone is so self-obsessed. In this world be Ketchup to someone’s Frech Fries.

Mistake # 15 Understand the Rule

If you haven’t understood  the rule. To add friends, reduce enemies, multiply joys by celebrating them with others and dividing other sorrows by being a part of them.

Mistake # 16: Hate or Revenge

Don’t Hate or have time for Revenge. After all, everyone has to face their own Karma. Time is really precious, don’t kill it in stupid things.

A Mind Changing Story For Couples

Owning 100% Per-cent in a Relationship.

In order to understand this concept. I would like to share a story with you. I read this story in Darren Hardy Book “The Compound Effect”. This book is on self-improvement and personal development, if you are interested in reading this book, you can purchase this book from Amazon as this is also available on Amazon or just click here, and you can also watch my video on Relationship advice on YouTube, regarding this topic. In this video I compile various quotes that are helpful for couple in pursue of healthy and long-lasting relationship. But first you need to read this;

Darren Hardy explain his experience “How he get familiar with the concept of Owning 100% per cent responsibility in a relationship”

He narrated that “We are all self-made men and women, but only the successful take credit for it.”

He was eighteen year old when he attended a seminar. He narrated his experience at seminar that “he was introduced to the idea of personal responsibility, and the concept which completely transformed his life”.

He said; “If you only practiced this one concept, within two to three years in your life, the changes would be so great that your friends and family, would have a difficulty remembering the “old of you.”


The share of Responsibility Between a Couple:

In that seminar that he was attending at the age of 18, the speaker asked, “What percentage of shared responsibility do you have in making a relationship work”? He was a teenager at that time, so wise in the ways of true love. Of course he had all the answers.

“Fifty/fifty!” (50/50) he blurted out. It was so obvious; both people must be willing to share the responsibility evenly or someone’s getting ripped off. “Fifty-one/forty-nine,” yelled someone else, arguing that you’d have to be willing to do more than the other person. Aren’t relationships built on self-sacrifice and generosity? “Eighty/twenty,” yelled another. The instructor turned to the easel and wrote 100/0 on the paper in big black letters.

Owning 100% Responsibility:

“You have to be willing to give 100 percent with zero expectation of receiving anything in return,” he said. “Only when you’re willing to take 100 percent responsibility for making the relationship work it will work. Otherwise, a relationship left to chance will always be vulnerable to disaster.”

Darren Hardy

This wasn’t what Darren Hardy was expecting! But he quickly understood how this concept could transform every area of his life. If he always took 100 percent responsibility for everything he experienced—completely owning all of his choices and all the ways he responded to whatever happened to him—He held the power. Everything was up to him. He was responsible for everything he did, didn’t do, or how he responded to what was done to him.


We all believe that we take 100% responsibility of our lives. I’ve yet to ask anybody who doesn’t say, “Of course, I take responsibility for my life.” But then you look at how most people operate in the world; there’s a lot of finger pointing, victim-hood, blaming, and expecting someone else or the government to solve their problems. If you’ve ever blamed traffic for being late, or decided you are in a bad mood because of something your kid, spouse, or co-worker did, you’re not taking 100 percent personal responsibility. You arrived late because the printer was busy? Maybe you shouldn’t have waited until the last minute? Co-worker messed up the presentation? Shouldn’t you have double-checked it yourself before delivering it? Not getting along with your unreasonable teen?

There are a countless fantastic books and classes to help you learn how to deal.

You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done to you. This empowering mindset revolutionized our life.

Darren Hardy


Luck, circumstances, or the right situation wasn’t what mattered. If it was to be, it was up to you. You are free to fly. No matter who was elected president, how badly the economy tanked, or what anybody said, did, or didn’t do, control yourself 100 percent. Through choosing to be officially liberated from past, present, and future victim-hood, you could hit the jackpot. You had the unlimited power to control your destiny.

Watch this Video for further Motivation

Relationship Advice

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